Thursday 4 August 2011

A Little Bit About Her (Intro)

Rachel Franki Dellory had long curly hair, she had dyed it chocolate brown and mostly wore it straightened as she didn't much like her curls they made her head hot!  Her eyes were big, a bright shade of ocean blue with long eyelashes which always made her look happy.  She hid a lot behind her eyes.  Her lips were thin, a light shade of pink and when she smiled it was infectious.  Skin tone was the colour of a Toffee chew sweet.  She was about 5ft 4inches in height with a naturally slim build and her shoe size was five and a half, well her right foot was!  A naturally pretty girl, she never wore any makeup or anything else to falsify her look to others, she was somewhat of a plain Jane.

Like many others Rachel had a dream, one day she would open her own business, in what however, she wasn’t quite sure!  She had a passion for drawing but never knew if she could really use it in the real world so never pursued it.  She was an ok singer, but was too shy to perform.  Could act in front of her mirror in the confines of her bedroom and was somewhat good at it but would never get in front of an actual camera or audience. Rachel lived in a life of limbo.  Family members would give her the 'You are so smart, you have the potential to do anything' speech, or the 'So what are you doing now?' question which would be jarring at the best of times.  How was she meant to answer the questions to other people if she hadn't yet answered them to herself, she didn’t know!

She attempted going to college and inevitably dropped out of every one she had ever enrolled in, couldn’t quite grasp what she was really interested in doing as a career.  On the whole she was good at most things, everything she was taught she would master, some things would be so easy they were boring and well the other things were just not interesting enough to keep her attention, which resulted in, 'The Three Month Curse'!! In all five of the colleges she had attended, in the third month of being there she would just stop getting out of bed on time!  Her friends would call her to see where she was and she had already mastered a lie to tell them her whereabouts.  Teachers would ring home but the routine in her household was so precise she knew when her mum or dad would be around and wipe the answering machine.  It was like a ritual.  Eventually her luck ran out and one teacher managed to get through to her mum, which resulted in her being kicked out of college and as a result of this she then had to be on benefits for a few months of her teen life.  She did that for about six weeks, then she got a job!

Rachel was hired to work as a Personal Assistant for a London based printing company.  It was mediocre, not a huge amount of staff, about 12 in total, she was the youngest and newest member and hated every living minute of it!  She always thought she was only hired because of her looks.  It had been the first interview she had ever attended where they had asked her to attach a picture of herself to her CV...Nonetheless she had a job and was no longer what society classed as a 'bum'!
However, Rachel still felt like something was missing.  In retrospect she had everything she wanted, minus her own house! A really nice car! A swimming pool! A job she loved!  Every Christian Louboutin shoe ever made! A rainbow with a never ending pot of money at the end! A lifetime supply of Chocolate flavoured Snack-a-Jacks!  Apart from all those little things, everyone around her was having children, settling down, living with a boyfriend and she had 'him'.

She made the best friendships with guys, obviously she had her close girlfriends but she found her personality was suited to being friends with men.  Every guy she was friends with would happily tell her they would have sex with her, except the homosexual ones but that’s obvious in itself she never had a penis! That was nothing of interest to her, any of her male friends were just that, friends!  Each would make a point of letting her know she was definite sex material, which would then always change the dynamic of the friendship, but they would never actually want the commitment, not from her anyway.  Rachel was 'That Girl'
'That Girl'
Good enough to give advice to the guys when things weren't going so well for them and another female, good enough to go places with and hang out with on various occasions, also good enough to be the friend you would fuck, but not good enough to give an official title to as not to 'ruin' the great friendship you have!

She felt stuck.  Money, cars and things didn’t interest her, she liked nice clothes and liked to spend money but wasn’t materialistic at all.  She liked a person for who they were not what they had or could give her.  Everything she had got she got for herself.  All Rachel longed for was true love and happiness.  She would do anything for her family and friends and wanted to find someone to share her everything with...

This is a story based on true events told through fictional characters about growing up, relationships, love, sweat and tears whilst living a normal life in an abnormal world

This is Rachel's story...

(Any likeness one  may find between themselves and any character in this Blook is purely coincidental)


  1. I want to read more....

  2. Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wheres the rest?? lol x

  3. Like the discription of rachel, great choice of name to. Yep I'm already hooked, keep it comin babe.


  5. I'm impressed love it keep it up
    Dj Brownin x
